Amazing Jellies (Soundtrack)


Original soundtrack commissioned by the New England Aquarium for the Amazing Jellies: Council of the Sea Beings exhibit. The piece is written in four movements, each of which depicts a different aspect of the mystery and beautify of the ocean, and the sea creatures who live there:

I. The Sea Creatures Singing Hello, Welcoming You To Their World
II. Jellies Being Born
III. Royalty of the Sea
IV. Swimming in Light

For more information about this project and the many it has helped and inspired, please visit this page.

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A special note about “Cochiti” (Track 03) from the composer: “A few years ago I took a solo camping trip to New Mexico. While I was there, I met the Martins, a beautiful family who live on the Cochiti Pueblo. They are truly some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. The grandfather of the family is a Drum maker. After returning home from my camping trip, I received a special Drum in the mail that the grandfather, Bill Martin, had made for me. A week after it arrived, I had a mysteriously beautiful dream filled with music and dance.”

Tracks 01 & 02:

Written, Arranged and Produced: Ruth Mendelson

Vocals: Patty Barkas, Marsia Shuron Harris, Caroline Wilkins
All Instruments: Ruth Mendelson
Mixed: Marisa T. Déry and Ruth Mendelson
Mastered: Marisa T. Déry at Tamar Mastering

Track 03 “Cochiti”:

Written, Arranged, Conducted and Produced: Ruth Mendelson

Concert Master/Strings, 1st Violin: Brynn Albanase,
Concert Master/Brass, 1st Trumpet: Roy Groth
Drums: Keena Keel, Heidi Larisch, Diane Heffner, Anne McGovern, Carol Deficiani, Ruth Mendelson

Engineer: Huck Bennert
Mixed: Huck Bennert and Ruth Mendelson
Mastered: Marisa T. Déry at Tamar Mastering